(updated 10 12 24)
Offshore Decommissioning Roadmap
(uploaded 10 12 24)
The Federal Government has just released a copy of the Decommissioning Roadmap which is intended to guide the Offshore Oil and Gas industry over coming decades as it carries out the massive decommissioning task.
The roadmap identifies the scale of the decommissioning task ($60 billion cost over coming decades), it identifies decommissioning as an opportunity for Australian industry.
At the same time the establishment an Offshore Decommissioning Directorate has been announced. There are few details yet as to when this body will commence operations.
There are useful references to consultation with unions and the workforce.
These are important steps and signal that there will indeed be plenty of work in the Offshore sector for decades to come.
We just need the maritime workforce to undertake the task.
Here is a link to the Decommissioning Roadmap:
Australias Offshore Resources Decommissioning Roadmap
AIMPE Organiser job
AIMPE has advertised for a new Organiser to be based in the Brisbane office.
Interested members are encouraged to apply.
Shipping submissions lodged
AIMPE has lodged two submissions to the current reviews of the Coastal Trading Act and the Shipping Registration Act.
These are joint submissions with the AMOU.
Members can access the full submissions here:
AIMPE AMOU Submission re Shipping Registration Act Review 01 11 24
AIMPE AMOU Submission re Coastal Trading Act review 01 11 24
The submissions seek fundamental changes to the legislation to assert greater Australian control of vessels operating in Australian waters by requiring transfer of registration to the Australian flag after 3 months continuous operation in Australian waters.
This was a policy change which we proposed at the ACTU Congress in June 2024 -and which was adopted at that meeting.
We are now taking the next step and proposing it to the Federal Government.
ITF adopts Marrakech Policy
One of the important decisions of the ITF Congress was concluded when the full Congress endorsed the Marrakech Policy as developed and approved by the Seafarers and Dockers sections.
A copy is available here:
Please note that the policy has a series of important policy annexes.
The policy and the annexes have represent an update on the ITF’s Mexico City policy adopted in 2010.
Global Seafarer magazine
The latest edition of the Global Seafarer is now available
24.10 SEPT-OCT Global Seafarer
Just Transition survey results
Late last year AIMPE sent out to all members a link to a Nautilus Federation survey about the “Just Transition” – to the net zero target of the IMO for 2050. The results of the survey are in and they are significant.
There is a high degree of scepticism among Nautilus Federation members who responded to the survey. Only one in five (20%) of the maritime professionals who responded to the NF survey on the future of the industry believe this goal is achievable. While the vast majority of respondents (76%) welcome efforts to decarbonise the industry, almost 60% say their company has not communicated its decarbonisation strategy to them. Of those who have seen a strategy, more than 80% say they have not been consulted about the company’s decisions.
The results are not a huge surprise in the Australian context. Despite being a global giant in LNG exports, Australia has failed to establish an effective bunkering industry for LNG shipping. Other fuels like ammonia and hydrogen seem like they will be many years if not decades away.
To read the full survey report go to:
Mapping Our Maritime Future Nautilus Survey
Condolences for Terry Snee
AIMPE has received several condolence messages following the death of former Federal President Terry Snee from trade union leaders in Australia and around the world.
The ACTU President Michele O'Neil:
The General Secretary of Nautilus International Mark Dickinson:
Nautilus Federation expresses condolences on death of former AIMPE president Terry Snee
The President of the ITF Paddy Crumlin:
The General Secretary of the ITF Stephen Cotton:
The President of the MM&P Don Marcus:
Additional messages have been received from
Matt Jepson President AMOU
Chris Cain National Secretary CFMEU:
Jamie Newlyn Assistant National Secretary MUA
Sadie Saunders Maritime Policy Adviser ITF
Sadie Saunders Maritime Policy Adviser ITF
VALE Terry Snee
by Henning Christiansen
Feeling unwell and awaiting the results of some detailed medical tests, AIMPE Newcastle Branch Councillor Terry Snee attended the first day of Federal Council's 3-day meeting 11th June 2024 via 'Zoom" rather than in-person.
I was able to advise him that evening that at the Federal Council Dinner the new President Mr John Hartree had given me, to pass on to Terry Snee at our next Branch Meeting, an AIMPE Gold-Medal-with-Ruby (the highest Award AIMPE can traditionally bestow).
I was able to say a few words at the Council Dinner about the great energy and strategic ability that Terry had invested in his role as AIMPE Federal President for 25 years, then I had a long telephone conversation with Terry after the Dinner and he told me how pleased he was at the gesture John Hartee had made.
But the next day the wheels fell off: the medical results confirmed pancreatic cancer.....well advanced.....and terminal.
After a few short weeks in palliative care Terry's life ended in the afternoon of 21 July 2024, and the Institute membership is the poorer for his loss.
full text:
Global Seafarer available
The July August 2024 edition of the Global Seafarer has been published by the international Nautilus Federation. This edition includes a condolence statement relating to AIMPE's former President Terry Snee
A copy can be accessed here:
Global Seafarer July August 2024
Fatigue - AIMPE submission on MO 504
(uploaded 29 07 24)
On 26th July AIMPE lodged a submission with AMSA regarding the review of Marine Order 504. The main focus of the submission was the lack of enforceable fatigue standards in the domestic commercial vessels sector of the Australian maritime industry. A contrast was drawn with the other major forms of transport in Australia – road, rail and aviation – which all have clear limitations on maximum hours of work and/or minimum hours of rest.
AIMPE made three recommendations:
1. Adopt Prescriptive Fatigue Management Standards
Implement a mandatory 10-hour rest period within each 24-hour period for all DCV crew members, aligning with international standards and practices in other Australian transport sectors.
2. Enhance AMSA’s Regulatory Role
Extend AMSA’s role to include the evaluation and enforcement of fatigue management plans, ensuring they meet the prescribed rest requirements.
3. Education and Training
Implement industry-wide education and training programs on effective fatigue management practices to ensure compliance and enhance overall safety.
Here is a link to read the AIMPE submission:
Marine Order 504 consultation AIMPE submission
Maritime Workforce paper released
(uploaded 23 07 24)
The official launch of the Maritime Workforce Position Paper took place in Port Melbourne on 23rd July with the Federal Minister for Skills and Training Brendan O’Connor addressing a wide cross-section of representatives from the maritime industry. Minister O'Connor congratulated all the parties involved with the INPEX-initiated process that produced the Position Paper and urged all parties to continue to work together to lobby all relevant Ministers in Federal, State and Territory Governments to take actions within their portfolios. Victorian Ports and Freight Minister Melissa Horne also spoke at the launch.
Minister Horne advised that the Victorian Government is aware of the importance of maritime skills to Victoria now and in the future.
AIMPE Federal Secretary Martin Byrne participated in the discussion panel at the launch and emphasised that Marine Engineers are vital if Australia is to continue existing maritime operations and have a successful Strategic Fleet. Looking to the future, decommissioning of the Offshore Oil and Gas platforms and pipelines will also require a substantial maritime workforce as will the construction of new Offshore Wind farms. All of these require a serious maritime training effort now. Federal Council member Mark Jones also attended the launch. Mark has represented AIMPE for seveal years on the INPEX training committee.
The other organisations supporting the process and participating in the panel were the other maritime unions - AMOU, MUA - as well as the two employer associations AREEA and MIAL.
Oil & Gas operator INPEX was the sponsor of the research project that led to the production of the Position Paper. INPEX Senior Vice President Bill Townsend had the honour of announcing the official launch. INPEX took a collaborative approach to the process involving all three of the maritime unions as well as the two major employer associations.
Here is the media release issued for the launch:
MEDIA_RELEASE Seafarer shortage pushes national resilience to the brink
Six broad areas of actions are identified in the report which are:
Securing funding for retention training and education;
Recruitment campaign;
Extension of existing incentive programs;
Seagoing berths on government contracted vessels;
Co-ordination of maritime training; and
Investing in training facilities.
All of the parties which have endorsed the Position Paper are also co-operating in lobbying for support and action to achieve these various aims.
A summary of the report can be read here:
2024 Maritime Workforce Executive SUMMARY
The full report can be read here:
2024 Maritime Workforce POSITION PAPER
RIP Terry Snee
(uploaded 22 07 24)
Global Seafarer - March April edition
(uploaded 29 04 24)
The March April 2024 edition of the Global Seafarer has been published by the international Nautilus Federation.
A copy can be accessed here:
Global Seafarer March April 2024
Strategic Fleet vessels – coastal tankers
(uploaded 09 03 24)
AIMPE and AMOU have again argued coastal tankers should be at the top of the list for expressions of interest from cargo owners for participation in the Strategic Fleet. The two Officers unions have made out the case based on the latest figures which show the amount of refined product being moved around the Australian coast – fuel which is vital to the operation of the Australian economy and society. The case has been made in a submission provided to the Strategic Taskforce unit in the Department of Infrastructure and Transport. The submission can be read in full here:
240223 AIMPE AMOU Submission on Strategic Fleet Implementation Consultative Paper Cargo Owners
In the AIMPE/AMOU submission to the Strategic Fleet Taskforce in December 2022, attention was drawn to the USA’s Maritime Security Program (MSP) which provides Federal Government financial support for a fleet of 60 privately owned and commercially operated vessels. This is comprised of mainly containerships (34) and roll-on/roll-off ships (18) with some heavy lift ships as well.
The USA has now implemented another program – the Tanker Security Program (TSP) which provides Federal Government financial support of US$60 million per annum for 10 product tankers to be available to meet national defence and other security requirements.
AIMPE and AMOU note that Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics (BITRE) data confirms that 100% of Australia’s coastal liquid fuel distribution task is carried out by tankers operating under Temporary licences. These tankers are all foreign flag vessels with foreign crews.
In 2023 the amount of petroleum product cargoes (not crude) carried under Temporary Licences totalled 1,379,787 tonnes. This was carried in over 190 parcels with 88 cargoes originating in Geelong and unloaded mainly in east coast and Tasmanian ports, 77 cargoes originating in the Port of Brisbane and discharged in north eastern ports with most of the balance being loaded in Kwinana for ports along the west coast. The three major cargo owners involved were Ampol, Viva and BP.
Bulk liquid fuel is required by all three arms of Australia’s Defence Force and it is required in a wide range of locations all around the Australian continent. At the moment that fuel is largely distributed by foreign flag ships with foreign crews.
Liquid fuel is also a vital input for civilian society too. Transport operators in all sectors currently rely on liquid fuel to keep their operations ticking over. Most individual car owners (excepting the electric vehicle owners) also rely on liquid fuel.
For these reasons AIMPE and AMOU urge that fuel distribution by coastal tankers should be at the top of the list for expressions of interest from cargo owners for participation in the Strategic Fleet.
AIMPE & AMOU members take action on Nuyina
(uploaded 24 01 24)
AIMPE members working for Serco on the Nuyina, Australia’s Antarctic Ice Breaking vessel, will take Protected Industrial Action commencing 5pm Wednesday 24th January.
AIMPE has given notice to Serco of an overtime ban starting on Wednesday 24th, escalating to a ban on the use of external contractors working on the vessel on Thursday 25 January and culminating on Friday 26 January, with a 24-Hour stoppage.
The bans and limitations are being conducted in a manner which ensures that the safety of the vessel, other crew members and the Port are protected. A watch will be maintained to ensure vital onboard services are maintained. In the event of any emergency Engineers will attend to the situation.
The DCN has picked up the story and published the following article:
Abby Williams | 23rd January, 2024
TWO maritime unions have announced that their members who work on Antarctic research vessel Nuyina are about to launch industrial action.
Officers and engineers represented by the Australian Maritime Officers Union and the Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers will begin a series of work bans on Wednesday (24 January).
An overtime ban is scheduled to come into effect at 1700 on Wednesday, escalating to a ban on the use of external contractors working on the vessel on Thursday, and culminating on Friday with a 24-hour work stoppage, beginning at 0700.
AIMPE and AMOU are taking action against Serco, who operates icebreaker Nuyina on behalf of the Australian Antarctic Division.
The dispute relates to the officers’ and engineers’ enterprise agreement; the previous Greenfields agreement which commenced in 2020 expired on 6 January 2024.
According to AIMPE, Serco has indicated it wants to preserve the arrangements in the existing agreement. The AMOU has described it as “inferior” to other seagoing agreements.
Seventeen out of 18 eligible AIMPE members voted in a ballot for industrial action, giving 100% support to periodic stoppages of one hour, four hours, eight hours, 12 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours.
All eligible AMOU members, 11 in total, voted in a separate ballot that contained the same list of work bans and stoppages. They also gave 100% support to work stoppages of between one and 48 hours.
Other forms of protected industrial action outlined in the ballots include:
- bans or limitations on the performance of work beyond eight hours while the vessel is in port;
- bans or limitations on the use of contractors, such as approving and signing off contractors’ work permits for any work contractors may perform onboard the vessel;
- bans or limitations on the use of contractors, such as limiting a contractor’s hours of work for any work contractors may perform onboard the vessel;
- bans or limitations on the starting and operation of the main engines;
- bans or limitations on the taking of bunkers; and
- bans or limitations on loading cargo, including fuel cargo on the vessel.
Most voters, but not all, supported these bans and limitations.
Both unions have said the industrial action would be conducted in a way that ensures the safety of the vessel, other crew members and the port are protected. Nuyina is currently berthed in the port of Hobart.
“We’re not going to affect any of Australia’s scientific research and we’re not going to leave anyone stranded on a base,” AMOU senior industrial officer Jarrod Moran told DCN.
“[Nuyina] is in Hobart for a maintenance period … that’s why we’ve chosen to do the action now, so there’s minimal disruption to the good work that it does down in Antarctica.”
AIMPE federal president Martin Byrne claimed Nuyina is under resourced in terms of how many marine engineers and electro-technical officers are needed to operate a sophisticated research vessel.
“The Nuyina operates in the harshest conditions of any Australian ship and has the most onboard equipment, yet the pay and conditions are less than vessels operating on Bass Strait and well below the rates of pay and conditions that apply to Australia’s research vessel the Investigator, operated by the CSIRO,” he said.
A spokesperson for Serco told DCN the company respects the rights of union members to participate in protected action.
“We have a proactive operational response plan in place to ensure minimal disruption to Antarctic operations,” they said.
“We are committed to further discussions and have been fair and reasonable in all offers made to the union and our employee representatives.”
Nuyina returned from its latest Antarctic voyage early in December.
Nuyina officers and engineers to strike - Daily Cargo News (
Woodside LNG tanker agreement
(uploaded 12 01 24)
The Woodside Goode has publicly been confirmed as the tanker to be changed over from the current crewing arrangements (Greek flag and Greek crew) to Australian crewing in mid-2024 as foreshadowed in the November NIR.
The signing off of the new Interim Continuity of Operations Agreement (ICOA) by Woodside and the three maritime unions was announced on Monday 11th December. AIMPE Federal Executive previously authorised the signing of the new Deed together with the termination of the original COA.
This is a significant and positive development as it will maintain a foothold in the international LNG trade and within the terms of the ICOA the parties commit to discussing the possibility of adding to the Woodside Goode in future – depending on the development of future reserves of oil and gas.
Woodside have advised that ASP Ship Management will be the ship manager and AIMPE understand ASP has signed an adherence agreement effectively assuring compliance with the ICOA. The ICOA picks up the commitments in the original COA to ensuring continuity of Woodside’s operations.
As part of the ICOA, the terms of the existing Trident AIMPE Agreement will carry over to the Engineers employed by ASP on the Woodside Goode. It is anticipated that an expression of interest process will be announced for any members interested in employment on the Woodside Goode. More details will be provided in due course.
Here is a link to the Woodside media release:
Maritime Industry joint Defence training proposal
(uploaded 22 12 23)On 20th December 2023 the five major maritime industry associations sent correspondence to the three Ministers in the Defence Portfolio seeking Federal Government funding for seafarer training in the defence support sector.
There are now 6 large vessels under the DMSS large vessels contract and most of them have substantial berth capacity.
They represent an opportunity to make a positive contribution to new entrant training.
This letter is timed to ensure that the various Ministers include maritime training funding in their portfolio budgets for 2024-25.
The Jobs and Skills Minister is also copied to ensure there is co-ordination around this issue.
For more details go to the Training page
Strategic Fleet Report released - with Government response
(updated 08 11 23)
The Strategic Fleet Taskforce Report together with the Australian Government response has been released. Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Catherine King made the following statement on Wednesday in WA:
“We are getting on with the job of revitalizing Australia’s long neglected maritime sector.
“The creation of a Strategic Fleet will build Australia’s resilience, and protect our national security and economic sovereignty by enabling the movement of cargo in a time of crisis.”
The Report of the Strategic Fleet Taskforce contains 16 recommendations relating to the implementation of Government's policy for a Strategic Fleet of up to 12 vessels. A copy of the Report can be viewed here:
Strategic Fleet Taskforce Final Report
The Australian Government Response to the Strategic Fleet Taskforce Final Report can be read here:
Australian Government Response to the Strategic Fleet Taskforce Final Report
The Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Catherine King gave an interview in Fremantle on the day of the release. Here are the relevant parts of the interview:
Doorstop at Fremantle Port.pdf
Welcome to Guidance
(updated 11 09 23)
ADV Guidance's primary role will be to support undersea surveillance systems trials, including the ability to deploy undersea crewed and uncrewed vehicles, as well as robotic and autonomous systems.
Defence Department deputy secretary for naval shipbuilding and sustainment Tony Dalton said the new acquisition would be used to further advance a range of trials and activities involving new technologies in the undersea domain.
"Defence is demonstrating its commitment to providing a cutting-edge capability, which will expand the ADF's ability to deliver multiple undersea project outcomes," Mr Dalton said.
"ADV Guidance will be instrumental in developing and testing robotic and autonomous underwater systems, ensuring Defence can compete and succeed in a wide variety of complex, undersea environments".
DOF Agreement approved
The DOF AIMPE Marine Engineers Offshore Oil and Gas Enterprise Agreement 2023 has been approved by the Fair Work Commission.
The DOF EA was approved by Deputy President Easton on 29th August 2023 and came into force on 5th September. It will continue in force until 29th August 2027.
Maersk Agreement approved
The Maersk Crewing Australia Pty Ltd Maritime Offshore Oil and Gas Industry (Engineer Officers) Enterprise Agreement 2023 has been approved by the Fair Work Commission.
The Maersk EA was approved by Deputy President Easton on 4th July 2023 and comes into force on 11th July. It will continue in force until 4th July 2027.
The Maersk EA is largely based on the AREEA proposal from March and includes pay rises of 8%, 6%, CPI [2 – 4%] and CPI [2 – 4%].
The Maersk EA also implements the uplift of Electro Technical Officer pay rates to 1/E level which is a substantial additional improvement for ETOs.
Casual loading will increase to 25% over the life of the Agreement.
Long Service Leave is increased to 10 weeks LSL after 10 years of employment.
Self-propelled Drilling vessel rates are all on 107% with Specialist vessels at 117%.
The full Maersk Enterprise Agreement is available in the Members Area on the Enterprise Agreements page.
Svitzer Agreement approved
A 63% majority of employees of Svitzer Australia has approved of the proposed Svitzer National EA 2023.
This follows a clear recommendation from AIMPE Federal Executive on 31st May to AIMPE members to Vote Yes. The Vote Yes recommendation was also endorsed by the AIMPE Federal Council on 6th June prior to the commencement of voting.
The Svitzer National EA 2023 will, once approved by the Fair Work Commission, provide members with their first pay increase in over 4 years and while the increases are not as big as some would like this fight was not primarily about pay. It was about defending the conditions that have been established in the Australian towage industry over many years. Svitzer took advantage of a short downturn in business in 2020 during Covid to serve a massive set of demands that would have stripped away a wide range of employment conditions.
Svitzer pursued these demands relentlessly but they were met with the united resistance of the Svitzer tugs crews around Australia. When Svitzer pushed out their own document for voting in late 2021 it was rejected by a 92% No vote.
Subsequently Svitzer used tactics (also used by the lawyers who have advised the likes of Alan Joyce at Qantas) including applying to terminate the existing Agreement in the middle of bargaining. The three unions each engaged separate legal teams to defend the termination case and filed massive volumes of witness material to argue against Svitzer’s submissions and evidence.
Away from the Fair Work proceedings, the three unions also sought political support from the ALP, the Greens and others against Svitzer’s attacks. After the change in Federal Government in 2022, AIMPE joined with the ACTU led lobbying campaign to change the law so that companies can not so easily apply to terminate EAs during bargaining. AIMPE Svitzer representatives went to Canberra as part of this lobbying – assisted by our Director of Government Relations Michael Bakhaazi. Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke deserves congratulations for pushing this change through the Federal Parliament and ensuring that it applied immediately including to negotiations already underway.
The other tactic used by Svitzer was to give notice of a lockout of its employees in November 2022. This was a massive mistake and Svitzer suffered greatly in the fallout from their lockout notice. Opinion turned against the company. The lockout was suspended by the FWC and assisted bargaining commenced.
Commissioner Riordan devoted his time and energy to cajoling all parties to reach a settlement and, in the end recommended the proposed Agreement to Svitzer employees. He also warned that if the Agreement was rejected there would be an arbitration to produce a Workplace Determination which would not be subject to a vote.
AIMPE Federal Executive decided after reading the recommendation from Commissioner Riordan that a clear guidance should be provided to Svitzer members – this led to the Vote Yes resolution which was later endorsed by Federal Council.
In a late development Svitzer confirmed to AIMPE and the other unions on Friday 9th June that it will provide an undertaking restricting the circumstances of any future outsourcing.
14A Outsourcing
(i) Svitzer will not outsource work performed by Employees covered by the scope of this Agreement in the first 12 months of this Agreement’s operation. In unforeseen circumstances, another towage provider may be contracted to cover a temporary period where Svitzer are unable to provide towage.
(ii) Svitzer is not otherwise restricted from subcontracting or outsourcing, subject to Svitzer ensuring that it complies with:
(A) Any legislation in relation to outsourcing from the date of Royal Assent; and
(B) Any consultation obligations under this Agreement
This clause does not interfere with or impact the provisions of clause 30.2.4 which relates to the conditions of subcontracting for Outside Work.
These words were negotiated by the three maritime unions with Svitzer under the guidance of Fair Work Commissioner Riordan but were omitted from the proposed EA sent to all employees for voting. Undertakings provided to the Fair Work Commission during Enterprise Agreement approval proceedings are enforceable when entered on to the public record and included in the approval decision.
The reason for the 12 month protection is the advice that the Federal Government intends to amend the Fair Work Act to ensure that there are restrictions on this type of employer action.
My thanks to Senior National Organiser Mr Greg Yates for his tireless efforts on behalf of AIMPE members in the face of persistent provocation. Thanks also go to the Svitzer delegates on the negotiating team who provided such excellent advice and support during the whole exhausting process. In addition, my appreciation to the key roles played by other AIMPE staff who also assisted during the litigation and the negotiations including Michael Bakhaazi, Sam Littlewood, Henning Christiansen and Nathan Niven.
AIMPE, AMOU and MUA have fought off an attack which would have seen a drastic reduction in conditions – especially for casuals and part timers. We have retained the key conditions so important to Tug Engineers including in relation to qualifications, recruitment and maintenance.
Martin Byrne
Federal President
Strategic Fleet – it’s overdue
Bill Shorten was the guest of honour at the AIMPE Annual Federal Council dinner in Sydney on 7th June 2023. AIMPE was pleased to welcome Bill as he spoke about his recollections as a boy exploring the Melbourne waterfront with his father (also Bill Shorten) after Bill senior ceased his seagoing career as a marine engineer.
Minister Shorten being thanked by AIMPE President Martin Byrne
Minister Shorten also spoke strongly in support of the Federal Government’s policy in favour of a Maritime Strategic Fleet. The second report of the Strategic Fleet Taskforce is due by the end of this month and it will hopefully lay out the pathway to the expansion of the Australian flag merchant fleet. Here is further detail from the Minister’s speech.
You may be aware that as Labor leader, I announced our commitment to an Australian merchant marine if we formed government in 2019.
I’m really pleased the Albanese Government has kept his policy which recognised the crucial role of your industry when it committed to establishing a Maritime Strategic Fleet.
My Parliamentary colleague and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, the Hon Catherine King appointed a taskforce to guide the establishment of Australia’s Maritime Strategic Fleet, and I applaud her leadership on this.
The goal is to strengthen our economic sovereignty and support national security through a fleet of 12 Australian flagged and crewed ships.
I’m sure you’re pleased that it will also look at the legislative or regulatory reforms necessary to support the Strategic Fleet and Australian shipping.
We need a good framework if we are going to optimise the fleet’s potential.
It speaks to the importance of a merchant fleet to Australia’s economic and security success. That became clear during Covid and the strain it put on global supply chains.
With more than 98 per cent of the nation’s imports and exports carried by sea, merchant shipping kept the nation going.
And in recent times of natural disaster, merchant ships have come to the rescue – whether it was delivering supplies to Fitzroy Crossing, or evacuating people from Mallacoota during Black summer.
These workhorses and their crews offered their services with little fuss but were given heroes welcomes.
And we must never forget more than 800 Australian merchant mariners died during the first and second world wars…
…while maintaining supplies of goods and materials vital for the war effort.
The skills and expertise, the commitment to a job that straddled the world of civilian and soldier – says much about the seafarer’s heart.
Today, we have fewer trading ships fly our red ensign, and as an island nation, we need less reliance on foreign-owned ‘flag of convenience’ vessels……whose loyalty would lie elsewhere in a time of disruption.
We need a Strategic Fleet. It’s overdue.
Here is the full text of the Minister Shorten's prepared address:
Note: the venue for the function was The Fenwick restaurant which is situated on the waterfront at Balmain East directly opposite the area which was formerly the Darling Harbour wharves and has now become Barangaroo. The building was used for many decades by J Fenwick & Co for its Sydney tug operations.
AIMPE Recommends Yes for Svitzer EA
The AIMPE Federal Executive has with some reservations decided to recommend to members employed by Svitzer Australia to Vote Yes to the proposed Svitzer National EA 2023.
AIMPE has worked very closely with the AMOU and the MUA/CFMMEU over the almost four years of negotiations since the expiry of the 2016 Agreement. AIMPE has helped fight off the attempt by Svitzer to terminate the 2016 Agreement which would have chopped out the foundations of employment conditions for Svitzer employees. AIMPE lobbied to have the law about termination of EAs changed so that it is now much more difficult for companies to do this during bargaining. The law was changed in December as a result of the lobbying organised by the ACTU. This change will serve to better protect all employees working under Enterprise Agreements.
The bargaining which followed the change in the law was of a different character. Eventually Svitzer had to accept that the ground rules had changed. Svitzer was forced to withdraw its futile legal action by the combined and determined resistance of the three maritime unions. Svitzer simply had to revise its bargaining strategy.
Svitzer backed away from its extreme claims to cut pay and conditions – which were particularly focused on the most vulnerable groups of employees – the casuals and part time workers. The attack on casuals and part timers was one of the main reasons that Svitzer’s last attempt to force its agenda on the workforce failed. 92% of Svitzer Australia’s tug employees voted NO in late 2021 to reject the drastic cuts concocted by Copenhagen.
The current proposed EA is a vast improvement on that 2021 document. Most existing conditions have been preserved. Key issues for Tug Engineers including recruitment, qualifications and maintenance have been defended to the maximum extent possible with much appreciated support from AMOU and MUA delegates and officials.
For over a year, members have faced rising inflation and increasing interest rates. It is now time to accept the pay settlement and at least claw back some of the cost of living increases. The pay deal is as follows:
- $2,500 sign-on bonus
- 5% from 1 April 2023
- CPI from 1 January 2024 – capped at 5% [minimum 2%]
- CPI from 1 January 2025 = capped at 4% [minimum 2%]
- CPI from 1 January 2026 – capped at 4% [minimum2%]
- CPI from 1 January 2027 - capped at 4% [minimum 2%]
This package provides for up to 22% in increases (24% with compounding) over 4 years with a minimum of 13% (13.7% with compounding) plus the sign-on bonus which is a reasonable outcome in the current circumstances.
This has been a very trying period for Svitzer members. It is now time to conclude the process and approve the proposed Agreement.
Here is the resolution adopted by the AIMPE Federal Executive:
“That the AIMPE Federal Executive notes the statement issued by Fair Work Commissioner Riordan and recommends to members employed by Svitzer that they Vote Yes in the ballot to approve the Svitzer National EA 2023. The draft Agreement is far from perfect but it is a far better outcome than looked possible during 2022. The draft Agreement protects casuals and part time employees whose conditions were under serious threat from Svitzer’s aggressive attacks on its employees. It also secures detailed outcomes on recruitment, qualifications and maintenance which are very important to tug members.”
Martin Byrne
Federal President
Here is the recommendation issued by Fair Work Commissioner Riordan:
AIMPE & AMOU Submission on Hunter REZ
(uploaded 21 04 23)
The AIMPE and AMOU have lodged a submission with the Department of Climate Change consultation about the Hunter Offshore Renewable Energy Zone.
AIMPE and AMOU are strongly supportive of the development of Offshore Renewable Energy projects including Offshore Wind farms. This will be a big part in the "Just Transition for Seafarers" in Australia in the decades ahead.
The unions made this statement in the submission:
AIMPE and AMOU Support the Proposal for a Hunter Offshore Renewable Energy Zone
AIMPE and AMOU are strongly supportive of the concept of developing Offshore renewable energy generally and off the NSW Hunter coast in particular. Since the closure of the Newcastle Steelworks over 20 years ago there has been a lack of major investment in the region and as a consequence a lack of economic development in the Hunter. The unions also support the development of other REZs elsewhere around Australia including the NSW Illawarra coast, the Tasmanian coast, the Victorian coast and the WA coast.
AIMPE and AMOU believe that the Hunter Offshore Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) could generate a significant amount of investment in a series of projects. These projects could also be the catalyst for new investments in shore-based industries associated with the construction and operation of the renewable energy projects as well as new industries which could take advantage of the green energy produced.
The unions have however expressed concerns about the workforce issues and the need for training to ensure that Australia has the pool of maritime professionals it will need to build and operate these renewable energy facilities.
The full submission can be found here:
AIMPE AMOU Submission re Hunter Offshore REZ 21_04_23.pdf
Hunter offshore wind
(13 03 23)
The momentum for the establishment of Offshore Wind in Australia took another step forward in February when the Federal Government opened its consultation period for the Hunter Offshore Renewable Energy Zone.
Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen made the announcement in Newcastle together with Newcastle MP Sharon Claydon and State and Local Government representatives.
The consultation period is open until 28th April 2023. Interested members should go to the Department of Climate Change website - Consultation hub | Offshore renewable energy infrastructure area proposal: Pacific Ocean off Hunter - Climate Change (
AIMPE has previously written to Minister Bowen about Offshore Wind and we have included him in our submissions calling for a new national maritime training program – to ensure that there is a supply of skilled Australian seafarers ready to undertaken the work need to construct and operate the Hunter Offshore Wind Farms.
One of the existing proponents of a Hunter Offshore Wind farm is Oceanex Energy. Oceanex have prepared a detailed proposal which can be downloaded from their website - Oceanex Energy | Energising the new economy | Oceanex
The waters off the NSW coast are quite different from the waters of the Bass Strait off Gippsland Victoria which was the location for the first consultation in Australia over an Offshore Renewable Energy Zone. The continental shelf drops steeply off the NSW coast and the Offshore waters off NSW are too deep for the installation of Wind Turbine towers that are fixed to the seabed. This means that the Hunter Offshore Winds farms will be floating towers.
The vast majority of the Offshore Wind farms in the operation around the world today are fixed to the seabed in relatively shallow waters. Only a handful are floating Offshore Wind farms.
A variety of designs for floating Offshore Winds towers are being considered by the various proponents and developers. Whatever design eventually proves the most robust and cost effective it is almost certain that they will be largely constructed in the nearest suitable port and then towed onto location. Anchors will then be deployed to secure each tower into position.
The Oceanex proposal indicates that they will deploy over 130 towers- so that is quite a job in the initial deployment phase. Each tower will require multiple anchors to be laid so this will not just be a tow and drop operation. The towers will be connected to offshore substations and then a large cable will be laid for transmission of the electricity to the east coast grid ashore.
During the operation phase Oceanex’s indicative planning is the up to 8 vessels will be required and these will be based in Newcastle (see artists impression below - courtesy Oceanex). Some of these will be crew transfer vessels to take maintenance personnel out to the turbine towers. Others will be larger vessels with greater capability to carry out a range of tasks.
In Oceanex’s submission they suggest a marine base in Newcastle with sufficient space for 8 Offshore Wind Support Vessels. The “artists impression of the base places it virtually alongside the main tug base in Newcastle. Maritime companies which have been consulted by Oceanex in the process of preparing its report include Atlas, Bhagwan, Boskalis and Tek Ocean. Oceanex has also entered into a relationship with the Norwegian Offshore operator Equinor (of the ill-fated Great Australian Bight oil & gas proposal).
The tie up with Equinor is significant because the Norwegian giant is now operating the largest floating Offshore Wind farm in the worlds. Interestingly the 11 tower Hywind Tampen project is located between two large Oil & Gas facilities and the output from the Wind Turbines will help power the Oil & Gas facilities. For more info go to the Equinor site: First power from Hywind Tampen - Equinor
The Hunter Renewable Energy Zone is large enough for several Offshore Wind farms to be developed over time. Each Offshore Wind Farm of the scale of the Oceanex project is expected ot be able to generate 2,000Mw – equivalent in output to one of the existing baseload coal-fired power stations which are due to be closed over the coming decades.
The construction of the Hunter Offshore Wind project in not likely to commence before 2028 – so this is a long-term prospect, its not just around the corner. Oceanex is just one proponent and there is no suggestion that they have preferred approval status but they have put together a serious report and that places them at the front of the pack.
Last year a total of six Offshore Renewable Energy Zones were announced by the Federal Government. The first consultation was for the Bass Strait area off Gippsland. Hunter Coast is the second. The other four are: Illawarra Coast NSW, North East Tasmania, Portland, Victoria and Perth- Bunbury WA. These six regions could all support multiple Offshore Wind projects and so as the “net zero by 2050” deadline approaches there will be more and more pressure to produce more and more of Australia’s energy needs by renewable means. Offshore Wind is going to be a significant part of the story.
AIMPE Organiser Appointed
AIMPE has appointed a new National Organiser to be based in the Bowen Hills office in Brisbane and to work on recruitment of new members. The appointment comes after sorting through many applications and conducting interviews of the most qualified and experienced candidates.
Josephine Butchers has a wealth of experience as a union organiser having spent 10 years with United Voice/United Workers Union where she represented groups of workers in schools and hospitals before looking after paramedics in the Queensland Ambulance Service.
Josie is looking forward to applying her passion for workplace advocacy and organising to support the priorities of the Institute and its members.
Josie Butchers (l) with Queensland Branch Secretary Peter Toohey (r)
Josie has experience in many important areas including:
- Handling individual and collective grievances/disputes;
- Recruitment;
- Research;
- Bargaining;
- Delegate training; and
- Digital strategies.
Josie commenced work on Monday 27th February and will be introducing herself to members over coming weeks and months.
Josie will be working with Senior National Organiser Greg Yates and there will be a transition period while Greg helps Josie find her feet in the maritime industry.
To contact Josie please use the new email address:
ACTU & Maritime Unions letter to PM re Seacare
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The ACTU and the three maritime unions have written to the Prime Minister Mr Anthony Albanese calling for action by the Federal Government to secure the future of the Seacare scheme.
Here is the letter to the PM:
Joint letter to Prime Minister re Seacare.pdf
AIMPE & AMOU submission to Strategic Fleet Taskforce
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AIMPE and AMOU have made an initial submission to the Strategic Fleet Taskforce calling for maritime training to be the most urgent priority and for coastal tankers to be the first vessels included in the Strategic Fleet.
The joint submission calls for consideration to be given to including the following vessels in the Strategic Fleet:
- 4 coastal tankers
- 1 gas tanker
- 3 dry bulkies
- 3 container ships
as well as consideration being given to:
- Ro-ro ships
- Offshore Wind Installation Vessels
AIMPE AMOU Recommendations
Recommendation 1
It is recommended that the Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics be once again required to publish the Australian Sea Freight statistics series on an annual basis to provide an up to date database for policy makers and that BITRE be adequately funded to meet this requirement.
Recommendation 2
It is recommended that the Department of Infrastructure and Transport seek urgent funding to establish a sponsored Maritime Officer Training program to kick start the process of renewal of the Australian maritime workforce and that a maritime roundtable be convened with all industry stakeholders to progress this as a matter of urgency.
Recommendation 3
It is recommended that at least four liquid tanker ships should be included in the structure of the Strategic Fleet and these should be the first ships contracted under the Strategic Fleet program. One of these ships should be a crude oil tanker and one should be a chemical tanker.
Recommendation 4
It is recommended that at least one gas tanker ship should be included in the structure of the Strategic Fleet. This may be one of the later ships in the roll-out of the Strategic fleet however many of the future scenarios for world shipping revolve around low or zero emission gas both as a cargo and as a fuel for international trading ships of the future.
Recommendation 5
It is recommended that at least three dry bulk ships should be included in the structure of the Strategic Fleet and there should be consultation with the relevant industries especially the mining industry about the particular configuration.
Recommendation 6
It is recommended that at least three container ships should be included in the structure of the Strategic Fleet. In practical terms these ships would have to be part of the consortia which provide international/domestic services on a load-sharing arrangement (which Australia exempts from usual competition laws).
Recommendation 7
It is recommended that consideration should be given to partnering with State and/or Territory Governments to include coastal ro-ro ships which could keep supply lines open in the case of interruption to land transport links for whatever reason.
Recommendation 8
It is recommended that the selection criteria for Strategic Fleet vessels should include factors relevant for the achievement of short-term emissions reductions and longer-term decarbonisation targets.
Recommendation 9
It is recommended that consideration be given to broadening the Strategic Fleet definition to include specialist offshore windfarm installation and construction vessels to ensure that Australia has its own domestic capacity to build the renewable energy facilities which will be critical to a net zero Australia of the future. It is noted that regional partners in the South Pacific may also benefit from a regional capability in offshore renewable energy construction.
The full AIMPE & AMOU submission can be read here:
AIMPE AMOU Submission to Strategic Fleet Taskforce.pdf
Queensland Govt coastal shipping plan
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$21 million available
AIMPE is urging Queensland based vessel operators to apply for funding for maritime training under one section of the State Government’s coastal shipping program announced yesterday. The program was originally promised during the 2019 Queensland State elections and has been the subject of deliberations by the Queensland Maritime Jobs Taskforce.
The announcement has 3 separate grant programs including one for maritime training grants which can be used for the costs of course enrolment, travel and accommodation. There is another grants program for maritime employment which can provide up to $50k p.a. for 2 years. These are separate from the one-off grant to set up a coastal freight operation within Queensland.
These are grants for businesses so AIMPE is pushing Queensland vessel operators to apply.
But it would not hurt for any Queenslanders interested in maritime training to let AIMPE know - so we can pass names on to the relevant employers.
More detail about the program can be found here:
The Queensland Government has committed $21 million funding to the Backing Queensland Maritime Jobs initiative grant programs. This initiative will revitalise and strengthen coastal shipping and create ongoing maritime jobs in Queensland.
The grant programs were established as an initiative after a parliamentary inquiry into promoting sustainable intrastate shipping industry in Queensland.
Grants available
Financial assistance is available through 3 grant programs:
- Coastal Shipping Grant Program (one-off program)
- Maritime Employment Grant Program (multiple intakes over 2 years)
- Maritime Training Grant Program (multiple intakes over 2 years).
Closing date for grant applications will be Friday 23 December 2022.
We will be partnering with industry to:
- deliver increased maritime employment, potentially through establishing new coastal shipping services or other innovative approaches
- create increased maritime employment for the Queensland workforce with existing operators in Queensland
- address skill shortages and create opportunities for seafarers to grow skills.
This initiative aligns with the Queensland Government's good jobs objective—to create and support secure jobs in our traditional and emerging industries.
What we are looking for
We are looking for innovative solutions that will achieve the following outcomes:
- create new and sustainable maritime jobs for Queenslanders
- provide career pathways for Queensland mariners to ensure a sustainable maritime workforce into the future
- identify commercial maritime industry operators who could establish sustainable coastal shipping services within Queensland
- implement other innovative approaches to support these objectives
- achieve value for money.
Backing Queensland Maritime Jobs (Maritime Safety Queensland) (
Fair Work Commission slams Svitzer’s extreme action
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Full Bench supports collective bargaining
The Fair Work Commission has slammed Svitzer Australia for its actions in giving notice of an indefinite all-ports lockout 5 weeks before Christmas.
When the Acting President of the Commission Adam Hatcher VP initiated proceedings against the lockout, Svitzer made a submission to terminate its own lockout! The reason that Svitzer wanted to have its own action terminated was because it wanted to have the current Enterprise Agreement replaced by a Workplace Determination. And Svitzer wanted this to happen before the current amendments to the Fair Work Act are passed by the Federal Parliament.
The Full Bench was not prepared to allow this manipulation of the current law.
In its Reasons for Decision issued on 22nd November, the Full Bench of the Commission rejected this manipulation using the following words:
“[42] In this case, the evidence gives rise to the inference that Svitzer’s threatened indefinite lockout of all harbour towage employees was primarily for the purpose of engineering a situation whereby s 424(1) would apply with the objective of bringing collective bargaining, and the associated used of protected industrial action, to an end.”
The Full Bench put its obligation to whole Australian community, its safety and its welfare ahead of Svitzer’s extreme strategy:
“Svitzer determined to take the most extreme action available to it — that is, a lockout of all harbour towage employees in all ports commencing at the same time for an indefinite period.”
The Full Bench resoundingly and unanimously rejected the tactics used by Svitzer:
[43] …we do not accept the proposition that s 424(1) is to be construed and applied on the basis that it constitutes a legitimate avenue for an employer, or any bargaining representative, to bring about the end of a bargaining process.
In suspending the lockout – and all other protected action by all parties – the Full Bench made it clear that it would not hesitate to take similar action if Svitzer tried this same tactic again:
[45] The appropriate course in all the circumstances is to suspend Svitzer’s protected
industrial action for a period of six months. This will, in our view, provide sufficient certainty
as to the operation of Australian ports and will also allow the parties sufficient time to attempt to reach an agreement or engage in consent arbitration without the distraction of industrial action. In the event that no outcome is achieved by the end of the six-month period, the Commission will again be vigilant to ensure that any repetition of Svitzer’s regrettable threat of economy-damaging protected industrial action is not permitted to come to fruition.
AIMPE and the other unions had been careful not to take indefinite action despite the many highly provocative actions by Svitzer during the long process of negotiations. Each time that AIMPE has taken action it has been for a limited period of time. Only twice has AIMPE taken national, all ports action and both times that was for 4 hours to allow for consultation with members via a national videoconference meeting of all Svitzer tug employees.
Importantly AIMPE has also provided exemptions for emergencies so that the safety of the ports remained paramount and vessels using Australian ports would still know that an emergency response capacity was available.
Svitzer’s attempted lockout showed an extraordinary disregard for the safety of shipping in Australian waters and arguably represented a fundamental breach of its contract with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority to supply emergency response services to the majority of Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone. The Australian Government pays Svitzer millions of dollars every year to have tugs and tug crews available for quick response to any maritime emergency.
So why did Svitzer choose this extreme action?
The main reason that Svitzer has indicated for taking the lockout action was to try to use the process of arbitration of a Workplace Determination instead of an Enterprise Agreement.
In September 2020 – over 2 years ago – Svitzer served its log of claims on the three unions seeking to remove a whole host of conditions off its workforce. These included cutting conditions for casual and part time employees as well as removing the port operating procedures [POPs] and consultation processes and instead asserting shore-based management authority over a wide range of currently agreed matters. Svitzer also targeted Engineers duties, maintenance allowance and Engineer qualifications. For example, the Svitzer claim would effectively mean that management could direct Engineers to perform unlimited unpaid maintenance outside ordinary hours.
When Svitzer put these claims into its own proposed “Agreement” the result was that 92% of Svitzer’s employees voted “No”. The tug crews overwhelmingly rejected Svitzer’s approach in November 2021. It was after that vote that Svitzer applied to terminate the current Enterprise Agreement in January 2022.
Svitzer have pursued every legal strategy that its lawyers have recommended in its attempt to cut current conditions. Svitzer have come to symbolise the ugly face of globalisation – where foreign companies have thrown around their immense weight to force local employees to submit to dictatorial management directives.
AIMPE, AMOU and MUA/CFMMEU have resisted these strategies and will continue to fight for fair conditions for members.
Here is a link to the Reasons for Decision:
Reasons for Decision B2022-1726 Re Svitzer Australia Pty Limited.pdf
Martin Byrne
Federal Secretary
Svitzer lockout suspended for 6 months
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The Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission has ordered the suspension of Svitzer’s lockout!
The decision was issued before the lockout was due to commence however Svitzer's reckless action meant that disruption was caused in many ports as vessels were cleared out in order to avoid being caught up in what Svitzer said would be indefinite action.
Svitzer also docked members' pay ahead of the lockout!!!
This will now have to be re-paid.
This sorry episode reflects very poorly on the management team who authorised the reckless action.
The Decision can be read here:
B2022-1726 Re Svitzer Australia Pty Limited - short decision 18NovemberFINAL.pdf
The Order implenting the decision can be found here:
AIMPE has previously filed a bargaining dispute and this is set for mention on 25th November.
AIMPE will be joined by AMOU and MUA/CFMMEU in seek orders that Svitzer resume bargaining ad that they bargain in good faith.